"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Oliver: decorating Christmas tree
Filip: playing with Christmas present
Je to neuveriteľné, že už sme na konci roka a ja som dokončila tento projekt. Každý týžden som uverejňovala fotky mojich detí. Naučila som sa trošku inak pozerať cez foťák a fotiť deti. Niekedy bolo tažké vybrať jednu fotku, pretože ich bolo množstvo "použiteľných", no na druhej strane boli týždne, keď som foťák pomaly ani nedržala v ruke...ale nakoniec som to zvládla, resp. zvládli sme to. Pretože bez mojich detí, by to nebolo možné :-) takže Fili a Oli - ďakujem. Rozhodla som sa pokračovať aj budúci rok, sama som zvedavá, či sa mi to podarí...držte palce...
It is unbelievable that this project is complete - my mission is completed...Sometimes it was hard to pick some photos because I had several worth to choose but there were some weeks when it was really hard to find one to choose because of lack of time to make photos...But looking back at the first photos this project taught me to look different through the camera and not to give up.... I would like to make a book using these photos and I hope that I would finish this project also the next year 2014...
As every week this year joining Jodi project.